You’ve probably seen myself (or other small businesses) post on Facebook about how it helps us if you “like”, comment or share the things we post. I thought I’d take some time to explain WHY that is...and I'm going to try to keep it simple so I don't overwhelm you with numbers and analytical terms (which I happen to love). Back in October Facebook completely changed how they allow our posts to show up to those people who “like” our fan pages. My posts do not show in the newsfeeds of every one of the 3,111 fans that I have. In fact, I’m lucky if they reach half of that amount of people.
I could post a photo and it will tell me it reached 1,200, but that doesn’t mean that those 1,200 people “like” my page.
I can view analytics of my page and see if those my posts reach were Organic (views from newsfeed, or directly from my page), Viral (people saw it from a story that was published by a friend. Such as a friend of theirs liked or commented on a post of mine). I love to watch these analytics and understand them. Here are some examples of a few recent posts of mine.
The Image on the left had 24 comments and 39 likes, therefore reached 1,955 people. The image on the right only have 26 likes and 1 comment so only 39 people saw it.
The Image on the left had 0 comments and 18 likes, therefore reached 783 people. The image on the right had 6 comments but 80 likes and reached 2,972 people.
When you leave a nice comment, or “like” a post or even are so generous as to “share” a post of mine…more of my fans can see my post.
In addition to all of that, they changed things yet again even more recently to make it so that they "unlike" fan pages on your behalf if you are not "active". If you do not "like" a photo, comment on one or post to the wall of the fan page, 3 times within a calendar month they consider you not active and remove you as a fan from that page.... So nice of them, right?!
Therefore if you post, share, comment or like; you are supporting a small business. Your support and love do not go unnoticed to me. I find ways every year to give back to my clients as a thank you for supporting me. I am one person running this business, and I value each and every one of my 3,111 fans (and growing) and REALLY love and value those of you who come to me time and time again for photos of your families! This is my job, my passion and my income to support my family. I have worked extremely hard to grow my business and cannot tell you how grateful I am for each and every one of you!
All of that being said; in previous years Facebook has proven to be a very valuable tool within my business…and it still is. But I have changed (and am changing) many things about my business and ways of reaching my clients and fans because you just can’t put all your eggs in one basket ;-)
edited to add; You can receive notifications every time I post something if you prefer to do that so you do not miss anything ;) if you visit my Facebook fan page, and hover your mouse over the "liked" at the top, then click "get notifications" :)
Thank you all again for your love!