I haven't posted a week in the life {personal series} image in a long time. I wasn't even sure if I was going to do it in 2014... but maybe I will once in awhile.. (My son broke his leg a week and half ago, we have a few weeks left in the cast) He's figuring out how to crawl around with it and it can be exhausting on all of us, but overall he's handling it pretty well.
My face behind the lens!
Sarah & I went out last weekend to do our family photos and it was way too cold and nasty. We decided to do some fun quick head shots of each other, I've been wanting some for awhile and just haven't made it happen! I decided to make a post out of it, a way of you getting to know ME!
Here are the basics: I'm married to a wonderful loving husband and father--Josh. We just celebrated our 6th Wedding Anniversary, but we've been together almost 12 years. He played basketball, I was a cheerleader--separate schools but our schools played each other in sports with that and the help of "ICQ" We hit it off and became inseparable quickly! We have two gorgeous babies--Zoe (4) and Graham (19 months) . We live in what I call a too small of a home, but it's home for us! I babysit a few days a week, in our home-- that's my "day time job".
Now some not so average things:
My Strengths:
You know that saying "They'd give you the shirt off their back" that's so true for me. It's so cliche but so true for my personality. I would do anything for my friends and family, and even those whom I don't know.
I can multitask. In fact sometimes I am bored if I'm not multitasking.
I work well under pressure. Sometimes I don't mean to procrastinate, it just happens because my plate is full, but when it comes down to the wire I can get it done!
And I like my plate full. I don't know what to do with myself if I have "down" time.
I can manage a room full of active kids better than I can adults sometimes.
I can remember what you said or wore months ago, but then forget where I put my keys 10 minutes ago.
Weaknesses: Saying NO. My friend and I just had this conversation the other day! I over analyze everything. It's hands down my biggest weakness, I'm learning to let go of it a little. But It's HARD for me. Easier said than done. I take things to heart. Big time. So I over analyze it, then I take it to heart. Buying Jeans. I could own a million pairs. (My husband calls it a weakness, I call it a strength) Sweets
I Love: Pepsi. Growing up my "papaw" (My grandpa on my moms side) ALWAYS had a cup he filled with ice and then poured pepsi over it. I can still see him standing there doing it. Those tiny little square ice cubes from the white plastic trays. He's who I can thank for my love of pepsi. There's nothing like a COLD glass of pepsi. (See my OCD section) Chevron Making lists Playdates with my girlfriends and their kids Skinny jeans (or leggins) and boots Fall smells coming from my scentsy burners Hearing my kids laugh Date nights with my hubby Girls nights with my best friends Birthdays. I think it's an awesome opportunity to spoil someone you love. Making people happy Working out. (Even a year ago I would have never thought I'd say that) That my kids have grandparents that love to spend time with them
Things that are important to our family: Dinner at the table Bedtime kisses Music. (We LOVE music. I could go all day with the TV off (in fact I do most days when I'm home with the kids, but we play a lot of music) Vacations
OCD: My physiologist once told me; (yes I go to one. I won't hide that. I think everyone deserves an outsider to vent to and to keep you in check) that everyone has OCD in someways, we all just express it differently. Here is were mine comes out: I have to have a certain amount of ice in my cup before my drink goes in it. I can't wear socks that are too thin, it creeps me out. I'm weird about pens that I use, if they're too thin I just can't do it. I can't stand to touch the second toe on my foot. (It is weird to me, I hate it) My nails. I've had "fake" nails on since I was about 16 and I'm OCD about how they're done.
Hobbies: I don't really have any other hobbies that I do on a consistent basis now. I have a few different things I like, but nothing big. I have a few magazines that I like to read when I have "downtime". Maybe I should take a photo of the stack of them I have sitting... because I obviously have downtime to read them.
What do you not go one day without doing? I don't go a day without eating SOMETHING sweet. When I was pregnant with my son I developed the worst sweet tooth. Now everyday I have to find something small to satisfy it.
What do you watch on tv: oh gosh. I watch (dvr, and watch while editing) a lot. But right now we're really into The blacklist and Orange is the new black.
Favorite Ice cream: (Just for you CJ ;-) ) Cinnamon
What are you doing on a normal day at 10:00am and 10:00pm? 10AM: Teaching, playing with, or entertaining Kiddos! 10PM: Editing
Things my mama taught me: Don't say "it's ok" when someone apologizes if it's not ok. Just say Thank you. How to sew You respect people. Always. Everyone has a disability (even if it's a just a weakness) once you figure out what it is, you know them on another level and you can help them grow or your relationship grow. Don't apologize for the way you fee. They're your feelings, own them.
I think that's about it. I hope that gives you some good insight into who I am! :)